To counter balance my sour-pussing below, I though I should spread some blog love. I was delighted when Janie honoured me with this Butterfly Award. It makes me very happy to know that she is enjoying reading my blog that much.
I want to share it with a couple of people whose blogs I've been very glad to have discovered:
Essential E - who very humourously shares the triumphs and tribulations of kindegarten teaching.
Lilli - she does amazing work with rescue animals, and has lots of gorgeous photos of her pets, which I enjoy greatly.
Indrani - fantastic photos of India. Be warned: it will make you want to go there!
Thanks guys!
Every accusation is a confession
4 days ago
Aww, thanks J, what a sweet end to a sad week for me! I can't wait to pass it along! -e
ReplyDeleteHey, thanks a ton! I enjoy reading your blog a lot too! :)
ReplyDeleteWhat a nice way to start the Sunday morning!