Thursday, 29 October 2009

Sarf Coast

Like many seaside towns, Worthing sports a pier, and on the end of that pier sports a nightclub. Having been a regular for years, I haven't been know for at least a year and half. Obviously that's partially due to having spent a significant portion of that time in Asia, but what really vexed me last time I went here was, when we stepped outside to get some air and have a chat, as we'd been doing for about nine years, we were corralled into a tiny roped off area along this window. Once we's wedged ourselves into the crowd, we had to dodge cigarette's being waved around with drunken abandon and were jostled and foot trodden on more than we had been inside. That was the point were I thought 'I am too old for this'.
This reflection of the suburban south coast in the blacked out windows caught my eye, even if I did have to stand an extreme angle to get it 'just right', which annoyingly means that I get stuck with underside of the balcony in one corner.
By the way, this photo looks much better enlarged!


  1. Excellent photo and who cares if the underside of the balcony is in one corner? And yes, we do eventually get too old for certain things like drunken crowds and opt for more sober kinds of fun. It's ok.

  2. Great shot! I really like the reflection...I enlarged it and saw all kinds of details.

    Crowds and cigarette smoke and drunks does not sound like fun to me, either.

  3. yes, enlarged looks beautiful!

  4. Cool pic. Makes me think of the cover of a Jam lp that was never released. If they ever re-form, you should send it to them.

    Is the building deco-esque?

  5. I thought the photo was looking out at the scene, but after reading the description, I realize it's looking in and is all reflection. Great shot!

  6. I'm a real sucker for window reflection photos.

    Coupled with your experience of not feeling a part of that particular social scene any more, it reflects a sense that you are now on the outside, unable to look in, but in the process of discovering an alternate way of being in, and viewing, the world.

  7. You have some neat pictures here! I like the subtle shades in this one.

  8. mountain mama - I'm now more likely to be found on a sofa in a pub with a glass of white wine that doesn't taste like battery acid, or some British cider. Good times.

    Pat - the blacked out windows were perfect for reflecting. I think what I really resented was having paid about eight pounds for the privilege of getting treated like that!

    Indrani - thanks

    naldo - perhaps I should contact them. The building is indeed art deco. If enough people are on the dancefloor all jumping up and down then the building shakes!

    Janie - have to say, did get a few odd looks whilst I was taking this, people clearly thinking, err, why is this crazy woman taking a photo of some rather grubby windows!

    louciao - if i ever use this photo for an art course, I'll steal your description!

  9. I like the texture of this photo. A buttery warmth like the old print film! If there is a place for it in your house, frame it!

  10. greensboro - thanks. I've recently started experimenting with using RAW editing on Photoshop - I'm loving being able to get the warm tones.

  11. Terrific shot, J! I, too, have a thing about reflections, really love them! Love the soft, muted colors! You're really encouraging me to use Photoshop!

    Enjoy your weekend1


  12. Sylvia - I'm quite addicted at the moment, and thinking up upgrading from elements to the full cs4 version!
